God's Word

"God’s word is alive and working. It is sharper than the sharpest sword and cuts all the way into us. It cuts deep to the place where the soul and the spirit are joined. God’s word cuts to the center of our joints and our bones. It judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts. Nothing in all the world can be hidden from God. He can clearly see all things. Everything is open before him. And to him we must explain the way we have lived." Hebrews 4:12-13 ERV

In the beginning, before there was anything, there was God's word. It was God's word that spoke and brought into existence all of creation. It was God's word that spoke to Noah, Abraham, Jacob, David, and the prophets, giving them promises which would become reality just as sure as the act of creation itself. The Holy One, the Almighty Maker of heaven and earth doesn't talk to hear himself speak, when he speaks, the entirety of everything in existence listens and obeys.

In the first chapter of the gospel of John we are told that the "Word became flesh and dwelt among us," The full embodiment of God's character and divine nature came and lived among us. He taught us God's truth. He lived a life accomplishing God's will. He displayed God's power and he finally overcame with God's victory. He proved himself to be the perfect manifestation of God, the "Son of God," God among us. Jesus whom we worship as our Lord and Savior was that "word became flesh," and Jesus is alive, sitting at the right hand of Father and his word is still alive and working today.

The Bible, which is the inspired words given to God's people through the Holy Spirit, has been handed down to us from the faithful people in Old Testament times to the followers of Christ in New Testament times. It tells us of God's dealings with Israel and the promises of salvation that God would bring and it culminates with telling us about Jesus, the Christ. He is the fulfillment of those promises. The Bible gives us truth to believe in and truth to live by as we surrender our own ways to become like Christ. It also gives us the promise that Jesus will come again. The Bible is the collection of God's words which points us to Jesus, the living word.

Because we believe God is the one behind the words of the Bible, we follow its teachings, celebrate its stories, and most importantly, we model our lives after the life of Jesus which is recorded in its pages. We take seriously its commands and spend time in our worship, classes and other settings to study it in the hopes that we can grow closer to the God who is behind it.

When you come and join us, we will spend time sharing the word of God with you. It is our prayer that when you hear God's word and his message of victory and salvation, you will find hope.

We have Bible Classes for all ages every Sunday at 11:15am after our morning worship time. We have small group study times on Sunday nights at 5:00pm, both at our church building and in the homes of our members. We also have Bible Classes on Wednesdays at 6:15pm (Early Bird Class at 4:30pm during the winter months for those who don't like to get out after dark). We would also love to study scripture with you personally some time wherever and whenever it would be convenient. Come and join us. We would love the chance to explore scripture together.